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Monday, February 16, 2009

Hi Girls,
I know, I was supposed to draw out the winner of our first ever Blog RAK!!
Well wait no more I have a winner...
Chris W
I have a lovely RAK coming your way sweetie!!
Thanks to everyone who left a comment.

I have so many cool Scrappy things here and i'd love to send another RAK to someone special.
So tell me....
What's your favorite part of the RSS website??
I will be back soon to find a winner!
Have an awesome day Beautiful Ladies
Shell xx


  1. Hmmm Honestly I would find it hard to pick as I browse the whole thing daily. But if I had to choose I would say the forum where I have gotten to meet some wonderful, funny and creative people. And your gallery where I can see the amazing works and oh I can't just have one, the homepage as well, don't ask me why I just do :) Kell xx

  2. Conrats Chris on your RAK.

    The family of members is my favourite part of RSS. Everybody is just beautiful!...xxx

  3. Congrats Chris!!!
    hmmm thats a hard question because everything is my favorite. Let me see, I think the first one on my list is the FORUM!!!

  4. I really enjoy browsing the gallery...very inspiring! Thanks Shell, for the chance to win some scrappy stuff :)

  5. Concratz Chris....I gotta chose one favorite thats way to hard....I love the forum lots of fun there...the gallery rocks with all the talent that is dispayed there...the links to go shopping I try very hard to stay away from them...lol....the sketches great for when your mojo takes a hike....it's all ABFAB

  6. congrats Chris! My most favorite part of RSS is the Challenge Site where every month DT challenge every member to do a certain lo. It doesnt just serves as a challenge but inspiration as well. Nice thing about it is,the DTs are always online to attend to our grudges(lol!)and uplift our confidence...cheering us to finally post our work to gallery!Thanks DTs and everyone who makes RSS rocks!

  7. I love the forum too always great to have a laugh or cry as the fun and sad times are shared, and also love the gallery and your DT team is the best...they are all talented and very friendly...

  8. Ummmmmm ....... my favourite part would have to be the sketch section ...... lurve sketches and the collection you have here is awesome!!!!

  9. Congrats Chris - have fun with it!!

    I would have to say the laughs I get from the forum, I have had quite a few big belly laughs in there, DH always just looks at me as I giggle away to my computer...

  10. I have never joined a forum before, and I feel so welcome here, The best thing about this forum would definatly be the warmth that its members generate

  11. Tecieved my wonderful Rak today!thankyou it's lovely and how lucky am I..hmm now my favourite part of the site..ALL of it...I love it all!

  12. On ya Chris my sweet friend!! What part of RSS is my favorite......Has to be the blog counter that tells me how unpopular my blog is!!! :-)
    Kidding but it is my favourite thing!!
    Catch up soon
